【u.team】uteam - Low Code Framework  
Webbplatsintroduktion:Low Code fullstack framework for rapid development of React-Redux and Node.js applications
nyckelord:Low Code, fullstack, framework, javascript, YAML, json, React, Redux, reactjs, nodejs, restful, api, sql, mongodb, react router, ag-grid, bootstrap, expressjs, jwt, passportjs, nextjs, gatsby, vuejs, application development, workflow

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【fing.ir】سکوی ابری فینگ | سرویس ابری فینگ   
Webbplatsintroduktion:ما در مسیر ابرها همراه شما هستیم. ما با تخصص و تجربه خود در بستر ابرها و هاستینگ و ارائه خدمات PaaS و ابری به شما کمک خواهیم کرد. شما روی برنامه نویسی تمرکز کنید ما برنامه شما را روی ابرها اجرا میکنم
nyckelord:سرویس ابری ایرانی, سرویس ابری رایگان, سرویس paas, سرویس ابری فینگ, اجرای برنامه, اجرای برنامه روی سرور, دیپلوی, deploy, دیپلوی برنامه, nodejs, نود جی اس, نود‌جی‌اس, python, پایتون, django, جنگو, flask, فلسک, wordpress, وردپرس, laravel, لاراول, گرافانا, گرفانا, graphana, grafana, داکر, docker, ruby, ruby on rails, rails, روبی, انگولار, angular, ریکت, react, reactjs, react-js, next, nextjs, next-js, vue-js, vuejs, vue, express, mysql, maria db, mongo, mongo db, redis, paas, dbaas, سرویس پس, سرویس pass, هاست react, هاست laravel, هاست wordpress, هاست django, هاست flask, هاست python, هاست node, هاست nodejs, هاست ruby, هاست php, هاست mysql, هاست دیتابیس, هاست پایگاه داده, هاست redis, هاست pgsql, هاست postgresql, هاست mongo, هاست mongodb

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【zk5.digital】zk5 | The best of branding, web and design.  
Webbplatsintroduktion:zk5 is a digital design studio that operates at the intersection of technology, digital branding and content creation.
nyckelord:digital, branding, consulting, development, backend, devops, frontend, responsive design, responsive, kubernetes, k8, asnible, terraform, gitlab, ci, continuous integration, ai, augmented reality, ar, nextjs, applications, mobile, design, studio, europe, zk5

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【gabs.app】Gabriel Espinheira - Software Engineer  
Webbplatsintroduktion:Senior Software Engineer - Fullstack - Portfolio - ReactJS, NextJS, NodeJS, Typescript, Javascript, TailwindCSS, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, Kafka, Serverless, Vercel, AWS, Front-end, Back-end, Developer, Software.

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【fmb.org】FMB | Fair Marketing Bureau  
Webbplatsintroduktion:FMB - Fair Marketing Bureau
nyckelord:Blog, React, nextjs

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【xi.wiki】nextjs中文网 | nextjs实验室  
Webbplatsintroduktion:Get started with Next.js in the official documentation, and learn more about all our features!

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【tyz.nl】TYZ - Thijs Broerse - Freelance Senior Frontend Developer / Interim Tech Lead  
Webbplatsintroduktion:Hi, I'm Thijs Broerse, a passionate and highly skilled frontend expert with over 20 years of experience in web development and leadership. I excel at setting up, developing, and maintaining complex frontend systems, as well as leading international development teams. I have contributed to numerous award-winning projects and specialize in TypeScript, React, NextJS, Leadership and architecture.
nyckelord:Thijs Broerse,TyZ,Freelance,Interim Frontend Lead,Interim Tech Lead,Frontend expert,Developer,Frontend Developer,Senior Frontend Developer,Principal Frontend Developer,Senior Full-stack Developer,Development,Website,Frontend Web Development,Front End,Front-end,Web Development,Full-stack Web Development,Full-stack,TypeScript,TS,JavaScript,JS,NodeJS,Node.js® is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment.,Node,Node.JS,FP,Functional programming,OOP,Object-Oriented Programming,REST,Representational state transfer,JSON,JavaScript Object Notation,GraphQL,Linting,Coding Standards,Debugging,Code Review,React,ReactJS,NextJS,Next.JS,Angular,AngularJS,AngularTS,Vue,VueJS,VueTS,Redux,Formik,Form library for React,Zod,TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference,AWS,Amazon Web Services,Cloud Computing Services,PWA,Progressive Web App,SPA,Single Page Application,SSR,Server-Side Rendering,SSG,Static Site Generator,Google Maps API,Maps Embed API,Maps JavaScript API,Places Library,Street View Static API,Directions API,Distance Matrix API,Elevation API,Geocoding API,Geolocation API,Places API,Roads API,Time Zone API,Facebook API,Meta App Development,Graph API,HTML,HyperText Markup Language,CSS,Cascading Style Sheets,a11y,Accessibility,i18n,Internationalization and localization,UI,User Interface,UX,User Experience,Tailwind CSS,A utility-first CSS framework packed with classes like flex, pt-4, text-center and rotate-90 that can be composed to build any design, directly in your markup.,Tailwind,Vanilla Extract CSS,Zero-runtime Stylesheets in TypeScript.,GSAP,Green Sock Animation Platform,TweenLite,TweenMax,Lottie,Canvas,Canvas API,WebGL,WebGL: 2D and 3D graphics for the web,Frontend Director,Technical Director,TD,Software Architect,Tech Lead,Lead Developer,Lead Frontend Developer,Senior Frontend Developer,Principal Frontend Developer,Scrum,Scrum Software Development,Agile,Agile manegement,Gitflow,Gitflow Workflow,Monorepo,In version-control systems, a software-development strategy in which the code for a number of projects is stored in the same repository.,CI/CD,Continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD),Continuous Integration,Continuous Delivery,Continuous Deployment,Jest,Jest is a delightful JavaScript Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity.,Jasmine,Jasmine is a behavior-driven development framework for testing JavaScript code.,Mocha,Mocha is a feature-rich JavaScript test framework running on Node.js and in the browser,Karma,Cypress,Storybook,Storybook is a frontend workshop for building UI components and pages in isolation.,Leadership,Mentorship,Commitment,Ownership,Motivator,Teacher,Passion,deep enthusiasm and dedication.,Reliability,consistent dependability and trustworthiness. ,Sociability,valuing meaningful connections with others,Authenticity,embracing and expressing true self ,English,EN,Engels,Nederlands,Dutch,NL

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【10q.nl】Day Six | White Label Developement  
Webbplatsintroduktion:Wij ontzorgen marketing- en designbureaus volledig in het ontwikkelen van snelle en betrouwbare websites. Bekijk onze projecten of neem contact op.
nyckelord:Day Six,React,JavaScript,wordpress,nextjs,tailwindcss,tailwind

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【agha.se】Mou Agha  
Webbplatsintroduktion:Hi, my name is Agha, I'm building serverless and open source solutions with NextJs and working on NiXTT at night.

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【i99.dev】I99dev Log - articles and technology projects  
Webbplatsintroduktion:Technical articles, businesses, and various software projects. Everything that interests the reader in the fields of business, technology, and artificial intelligence can be found here 🥸
nyckelord:blog, 42AD, i99dev, notion, nextjs, react, javascript, typescript, web, developer, engineer, programming, software, engineer, computer, science, technology, ai, artificial, intelligence, machine, learning, data, science, business, entrepreneurship, freelancer, developer, engineer, programming, software, engineer, computer, science, technology, ai, artificial, intelligence, machine, learning, data, science, business, entrepreneurship, freelancer

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Berömd webbplatsnavigering:Slumpmässig visning på globalt kända webbplatser...
Webbplatstypbild Journalism video musik Karta shopping Resor rekrytera Direktsändning Finans och ekonomi mobiltelefon bil Encyklopedia Programvara Källkod brevlåda Sport roman spel 
Inledning till integration:1. Din webbplats har en intern sökfunktion; 2. Det finns ingen slumpmässig förändring i sökadressen; 3. Din webbplats har rikt innehåll; 4. Öppna visning av sökresultat. 5. Aktiv inkludering inlämning och uttag e-post för navigationsdelen på kända webbplatser:lgooxc@hotmail.com

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